Computer Science student at the University of Manchester.
I'm also into other stuff, I guess.



A church outside Glasgow's Kelvingrove park at sunset

On the writing of this entry, I'd made it to Uni 3 days ago. Having flown in from Indonesia, that would mean I need to fulfill another 11 days of quarantine before I can actually get into the swing of things once again. Not great, but not the biggest deal - quarantine life has been more or less the standard for me at this point. The phrase, much like "these trying times", has lost all meaning, but a lockdown lifestyle is truly my new normal. I don't even get to hang out with my flatmates since, well, they're not here yet.

Figuring out what to do during my day-to-day should be a simple matter of keeping things as they were before my arrival to Manchester. But something about the new environment - maybe it's the dorm, maybe it's the quarantine, maybe it's the timezone - has sapped me of the motivation driving the routine.

There's, in theory, so much I have to do. Tinkering with the website, working on the web-app, even doing code challenges, even doing extra Korean work, all of these things are on my plate as time-occupants. I've used the excuse to myself that, well, I'm still adjusting to the new sleep schedule, I'm naturally gonna be refreshing my delivery pages and watching YouTube and Twitch. It's a slippery slope though, and something about which I need to be a little wary.

Like I'd said in the entry about routine, I've never been a sucker for productivity. To me, keeping a healthy, consistent workflow is important, and maximising the genuine time spent working is what's more important (this is really bordering on max productivity talk). Failing that, it's not the craziest thing for me to spend my days wasting away, degen style.

This entry is more or less kind of a call to action to myself to get my shit together, hunker down and work. Yeah, it sucks to be able to work and not have the gratification handed to myself after of a nice walk but you really just gotta do what you gotta do sometimes to prevent yourself from completely losing your swing. Until I do, let's hope the routine isn't completely compromised.